Daily reading can help your child cognitively as well as socially and emotionally. Please have them read 15 minutes daily in English and sign their reading logs.
Monday 21.9 - ORT books due
Year 3: Complete Unit 4 Focus A-C spelling exercise and 3 spelling cards due Friday
Math Workbook pg 41-42 due tomorrow
Year 4: Complete Unit 4 spelling exercise Focus and Extra and 4 spelling cards due Friday
Math WB pg 27-28 due tomorrow
Year 3/4: Geography Workbook pg 8 (if not completed in class) due tomorrow
[Option: students can write spelling words 3-4 times in a row as practice]
-> Remember Family History Written Report tomorrow
Tuesday 22.9
Year 3: Math WB pg 43-44
Year 4: Math WB pg 29-30
Year 3/4: Practice oral presentation: Family History due 29.9
->Remember PE kit for tomorrow!
Wednesday 16.9 - PE
Year 3: Math WB pg 45-46
Year 4: Math WB pg 31-32
Year 3/4: Wonder pages 5-7 due 30.9
->Remember complete Grammar Unit 3 due tomorrow
Thursday 17.9
Year 3: Math WB pg 47-48
Year 4: Math WB pg 33
Year 3/4: Science workbook pgs 13-15 (if not completed in class)
Study for spelling test tomorrow
->Remember spelling cards tomorrow
Friday 18.9 - Spelling Test
Year 3: Math WB pg 49-50
Year 4: Math WB pg 34
Year 3/4: Complete Grammar Unit 4 exercises due 1.10 (if not completed in class)
->Remember complete ORT reading questions
*Math lessons are subject to change based on the student's pace in class.*