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HW 5.10 - 9.10

Thank you parents for encouraging your children to read daily. They have been doing a fantastic job. Keep up the great work!

Monday 5.10 - signed spelling test and oral history presentation

Year 3: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 18

Spelling exercises and 3 spelling cards (or write each word 3xs) due Friday

Year 4: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 12

Spelling exercises and 4 spelling cards (or write each word 4xs) due Friday

Year 3/4: Geography workbook page 9 (group work finished in class)

Tuesday 6.10 -

Year 3: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 19

Year 4: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 13

Year 3/4: Malala history research report

->Remember PE kit

Wednesday 7.10 - PE

Year 3: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 20-21

Year 4: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 14

Year 3/4: Writing - Your deeds are your monuments. What does it mean? How do you feel about it?

->Remember complete Grammar Unit 5 due tomorrow

Thursday 8.10 - ORT books due

Year 3: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 22-23

Year 4: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 15

Year 3/4: Science workbook pg 16-17

Study for spelling test tomorrow

->Remember spelling cards tomorrow

Friday 9.10 - Spelling Test

Year 3: Math WB parents please sign Review 2

Year 4: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 16

Year 3/4: Complete Grammar Unit 6 exercises due 8.12 (if not completed in class)


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