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Cep Lake!

It’s the first weekend of school, and already, we’ve taken our first trip! Mr. Taheri, one of our math and physics teachers, loaded up the mini-bus, while Mr. Palsha, and David & Mara Khorram also drove mini-vans full of students. Dagmar, the girl’s dorm mother, also accompanied the group of some 20 students. We drove about an hour east towards the Austrian border, to a clear-water lake near the town of Cep. Nestled in a beautiful wooded area, the trees ran right up to the shoreline. The water was cool, but wonderful on a day that topped 34 C. There was great cooperation amongst the students, to ensure everyone enjoyed themselves. Most braved the waters to swim across the lake, while others hung around the shore, playing ukelele, and eating snacks. It was a great beginning to the school year, on a very hot day.

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