The process of applying to Townshend is very straightforward.
To request an application, enter your name and email address below, and then click the "Submit" button. An application will automatically be sent to you by email.
After the completed application is reviewed by the Academic Director, the Residential Director, and the School Director, an acceptance letter is sent to the applicant. Applications may be submitted at any time of year. Financial Aid applications and Scholarship applications must be submitted at the same time. (We do not review Financial Aid or Scholarship applications unless an Admissions Application is submitted at the same time.)
Please take a few moments to review Townshend’s General Policies and Handbooks. Here we give you a clearer picture of academic, residential, and general expectations at Townshend. The handbooks are updated from time to time, and can answer many of your questions.
If you are not quite ready to request an application, but feel you may want to get more information, to have a conversation, or to just make contact, please fill out our Contact Form. We will get right back to you, and we are happy to help you with your decision to apply to Townshend in any way.

School Fees
You’ll find our fee schedules and payment methods after clicking the buttons below.
Please let us know if you have any questions.

Townshend is pleased to offer a limited number of one-year scholarships, made possible through the generosity of our friends and donors. These scholarships are available for the first year a student is enrolled at Townshend. (In subsequent years families may also apply for Financial Aid.)
George Townshend Character Scholarship: This scholarship supports students who are outstanding leaders in their local communities, with a track record of engaging in service at the grassroots level. They have exemplary character, with a well-developed sense of moral leadership, demonstrating integrity and trustworthiness. They come to Townshend, making a positive impact on the school community.
Academic Merit Scholarship: This scholarship supports students with a track record of outstanding academic achievement, and strong character. They have shown dedication to their studies across all subjects.
Economic Diversity Scholarship: This scholarship is Townshend’s effort to bring about social and economic development through students who will take the Townshend education into their home communities. Previous recipients of this scholarship have come from pioneer families who have settled in under-served areas, from communities impacted by difficult conditions, or whose national economies would otherwise put a Townshend education out of reach. Students must be of high character, and committed to making a positive impact in their home communities.
Townshend-30 Scholarship: 10 scholarships granted by the School Board in recognition of 30 years of establishment.
Scholarships vary in level, and are based on merit and availability. Students are responsible for their personal and travel expenses and any optional extracurricular activities.
Please remember to submit your Admissions Application form alongside your Scholarship Application, as we do not review Financial Aid or Scholarship applications unless an Admissions Application is submitted at the same time.

Financial Aid
Townshend International School is committed to the principle of diversity, and seeks students from a broad range of backgrounds. While we do appreciate the kind financial support of alumni, friends, and businesses, we do have a limited amount of funds available for financial aid.
Three criteria are used to evaluate the applications: 1. Proven financial need; 2. A record of conduct consistent with the Townshend vision; and 3. The ability of the applicant to enhance the Townshend community. Special consideration is given to families who have settled in underserved areas of the world with limited educational opportunities.
We urge you to apply early for financial aid, and to submit the financial aid application with, or soon after, the application for admission.