(This story is coming to us live from Budepest from Rumi Palsha, Townshend Model United Nations Advisor)
Townshend delegates participating in the Yale Model Government Europe (YMGE) conference in Budapest have been making great progress and interacting with delegates from all over the world. Townshend delegates have been working hard in their cabinets and committees developing their critical thinking, negotiating, and debating skills while learning how the European Union operates. The cabinets and committees are led by outstanding Yale University students that are striving to create an atmosphere of collaboration while challenging the intellect.
What I find truly unique and innovate about the Yale Conference is the integrated crises, in which students have to respond with operatives to find a quick and effective resolution to the crises presented to them. As this year’s YMGE the simulation focused on the economic and democratic challenges facing the European Union, with a mock crisis emerging with protests and rioting. This led to heated debates and policy suggestions ranging from Grexit, in which Greece announced their plan to leave the Eurozone, to the Telecommunications committee seeking to address cyber security. As the conference continues, more crises are being presented and interesting responses continue to be developed.
To learn more about the latest updates, please check out the Brussels Press Corps.
You can also check out the Townshend Model United Nations Facebook page, highlighting articles, pictures, and videos of Townshend students participating in the YMGE.