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HW 10.2 - 14.2

As some of you might have already seen in my email, I have a family emergency where I have to travel to be with a loved one in his last days. Ms. Nikola will do her best to keep the children on track with lessons. Thank you for understanding.


Year 3: Math Ch 9 WB Lesson 16

Spelling Unit 15-homophones (3 spelling cards due Friday)

Year 4: Math Ch 9 WB Lesson 1-3

Spelling Unit 15-French words ch, que, gue (4 spelling cards due Friday)

Year 3/4: Geography - Life in an Indian Plains Village WB pg 28-29


Year 3: Math Ch 9 WB Lesson 17

Grammar Unit 14 Verbs (if not completed in class)

Year 4: Math Ch 9 WB Lesson 4-5

Grammar unit 14 - past perfect tense (if not completed in class)


Year 3: Math Ch 9 Lesson 18

Year 4: Math Ch 9 WB Lesson 6-7

Year 3/4: Reading Strategy-Think and Speak like a Character

Thursday - ORT book due

Year 3: Math Ch 9 Lesson 19

Science WB 55-57

Year 4: Math Ch 9 WB Lesson 8-9

Science WB 42-45

Friday - Spelling Test

Year 3: Math Ch 9 Lesson 20

Year 4: Math Ch 9 WB Lesson 10-11

Year 3/4: ORT book swap due next Thursday


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