HW 13.1-17.1 Monday: 5th and 6th grade Writer's Workshop Essay (17.1)History: Study for Roman Empire test (20.1)Poetry Slam Poem PracticeQuizlet: Roman EmpireTuesday: 5th and 6th gradeORT Report (20.1)Poetry Slam Poem PracticeWednesday: 5th and 6th grade-Geography pg 20 (17.1)Grammar Book and Worksheet Units 11,12 (17.1)Poetry Slam Poem PracticeThursday: 5th and 6th gradeScience: Study for Test (28.1)Study for SpellingsFriday:Spelling TestSpellings x2
Monday: 5th and 6th grade Writer's Workshop Essay (17.1)History: Study for Roman Empire test (20.1)Poetry Slam Poem PracticeQuizlet: Roman EmpireTuesday: 5th and 6th gradeORT Report (20.1)Poetry Slam Poem PracticeWednesday: 5th and 6th grade-Geography pg 20 (17.1)Grammar Book and Worksheet Units 11,12 (17.1)Poetry Slam Poem PracticeThursday: 5th and 6th gradeScience: Study for Test (28.1)Study for SpellingsFriday:Spelling TestSpellings x2