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HW 14.9 - 18.9

Monday 14.9

Year 3: Finish spelling exercise 'Extra' 1-6 and 3 spelling cards due Friday

Math Workbook pg 29-30 due tomorrow

Year 4: Complete spelling exerecise 'Extension' and 4 spelling cards due Friday

Math WB pg 15

Year 3/4: Geography Workbook pg 6-7 (if not completed in class) due tomorrow

Tuesday 15.9

Year 3: Math WB pg 31-32

Year 4: Math WB pg 16-17

Year 3/4: History Interview a family member

->Remember PE kit for tomorrow!

Wednesday 16.9

Year 3: Math WB pg 33-34

Year 4: Math WB pg 18-19

->Remember complete Grammar Unit 2 due tomorrow

Thursday 17.9

Year 3: Math WB pg 35-36

Year 4: Math Parent sign Review 1

Year 3/4: Study for spelling test tomorrow

->Remember spelling cards due tomorrow

Friday 18.9 - Spelling Test

Year 3: Math WB pg 37-38

Year 4: Math WB pg 23-24

Year 3/4: Grammar Unit 3 due Thursday 24.9

->Remember complete ORT reading questions

*Math lessons are subject to change based on the student's pace in class.*


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