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HW 18.11-22.11

Monday:   5th and 6th grade

Writer's Workshop Essay (22.11)

History: The Roman Empire Presentation (2.12)

Poetry Slam Poem Practice

Quizlet: Roman Empire

Tuesday: 5th and 6th grade

ORT Report (25.11)

Science: (21.11)

gr 5: pg 16

gr 6:


gr 5: Matter- Intro, States of Matter

gr 6:

Wednesday:  5th and 6th grade-

Geography: pg 17 (26.11)

Grammar Unit 7 (21.11)

Spelling: Workbook  Unit 10 (22.11)

Gr 5- Focus A, Extra A

Gr 6-  Focus A, Extra A

Thursday: 5th and 6th grade

Jump Arena 8:30-11:30

Study: Spellings (22.11)

Grammar wksht (22.11)


Spelling Test

Spellings x2 (25.11)


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