Monday: 5th and 6th grade
Writer's Workshop - The Finish Line (check the portal) (6.11)
History- Neolithic Agricultural Revolution (portal) (4.11)
Quizlet- Sumeria (write vocabulary into History notebook)(9.11)
Tuesday: 5th and 6th grade
Grammar Review Units 1-6 (5.11)
Wednesday: 5th and 6th grade
Spelling words x2, Spelling sentences (6.11)
Science: (11.11)
5 gr- Workbook pg 6-10 Read pgs 10-20 (Brainpop- Pollination)
6 gr- Reproductive System worksheets (Brainpop- Sexual Reproduction)
Thursday: 5th and 6th grade
Geography: Workbook pg 18 (10.11)
Grammar Checkup Units 1-6 (10.11)
Study Spellings (6.11)
Friday: 5th and 6th grade
Spelling Test
Halloween Assembly 9:00-9:45!!!