Monday: 5th and 6th grade
Writer's Workshop Essay (13.9)
History: Athens Worksheet (16.9)
Quizlet: Ancient Greece
Tuesday: 5th and 6th grade
No Homework! Enjoy!
Wednesday: 5th and 6th grade-
Geography: Workbook pg 6 (17.9)
Grammar Unit 1 (12.9)
Spelling: Workbook Unit 2 (13.9)
Gr 5- Focus A, Extra
Gr 6- Focus, Extra A, Extension A
Thursday: 5th and 6th grade
Study: Spellings (13.9)
Grammar- Quizlet:
Gr 5- Singular and Plural
Gr 6- Subject and Object
Science: Quizlet:
Gr 6- Excretory System