Hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend. Here is the schedule for this week. Please remind your children to read daily 15 minutes and sign reading logs. Additionally, math is subject to change based on children's understanding, but I'm trying to keep up the pace to ensure the all curriculum is covered.
Monday 28.9 - NO SCHOOL St. Wenceslas Day
Tuesday 29.9 - Family History Presentations
Year 3: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 13-14
Spelling exercises and 3 spelling cards (or write each word 3xs) due Friday
Year 4: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 8-9
Spelling exercises and 4 spelling cards (or write each word 4xs) due Friday
->Remember PE kit and ORT book tomorrow
Wednesday 30.9 - ORT books due
Year 3: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 15-16
Year 4: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 10-11
Year 3/4: Reading comprehension workbook (if not completed in class)
->Remember complete Grammar Unit 4 due tomorrow
Thursday 1.10
Year 3: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 17-18
Year 4: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 12
Year 3/4: Science workbook pgs 13-15 (we didn't get to this last week in class)
Study for spelling test tomorrow
->Remember spelling cards tomorrow
Friday 2.10 - Spelling Test
Year 3: Math WBCH 2 Lesson 19-20
Year 4: Math WB CH 2 Lesson 13
Year 3/4: Complete Grammar Unit 5 exercises due 8.10 (if not completed in class)