HW 9.12-13.12 Monday: 5th and 6th grade History Wksht- Roman Republic (13.12)Winter Concert/Poetry Slam Poem PracticeStudy for GrammarQuizlet: Roman EmpireTuesday: 5th and 6th gradeGrammar TestStudy for GeographyWinter Concert/Poetry Slam Poem PracticeWednesday: 5th and 6th grade-Geography TestStudy SpellingsWinter Concert/Poetry Slam Poem PracticeThursday: 5th and 6th gradeMOVIE NIGHT!!!!Friday:Winter Concert/Poetry Slam Poem Practice
Monday: 5th and 6th grade History Wksht- Roman Republic (13.12)Winter Concert/Poetry Slam Poem PracticeStudy for GrammarQuizlet: Roman EmpireTuesday: 5th and 6th gradeGrammar TestStudy for GeographyWinter Concert/Poetry Slam Poem PracticeWednesday: 5th and 6th grade-Geography TestStudy SpellingsWinter Concert/Poetry Slam Poem PracticeThursday: 5th and 6th gradeMOVIE NIGHT!!!!Friday:Winter Concert/Poetry Slam Poem Practice