Dear Parents and Students,
As some of you have already heard, the Czech government has decided to shut down all schools. School will be closed the rest of the week. Please help your children finish the assignments we were going to complete in school. Thank you for your assistance and support! Please email me should you have any questions at
Monday - Geography Presentations
Year 3: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 8
Spelling Unit 19 (3 spelling cards due Friday)
Year 4: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 1-2
Spelling Unit 19 (4 spelling cards due Friday)
Tuesday - PE
Year 3: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 9
Grammar Unit 19- capital letters (if not completed in class)
Year 4: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 3
Grammar Unit 19 - paragraphs (if not completed in class)
Year 3/4: ESL Grammar Unit 21 - Adverbs
Wednesday - Art
Year 3: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 10
Year 4: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 4
Year 3/4: Interactive Writing Notebook Strong Action Verbs: (color purple)
- are present tense when possible
- are very specific
- help readers visualize
- are more interesting
- are clever
Glue walk/move with a flap and write better verbs (use a thesaurus if you need)
Repeat for says/said.
Then complete worksheet using strong verbs. Cut and glue it into NB
Thursday - ORT book due
Year 3: Math Ch 11 Lesson 11
Science Textbook pg 76 and WB pg 66 -69
Year 4: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 5
Science Textbook pg 54-56 and WB pg 53
Friday - Spelling Test (sp cards due)
Year 3: Math Ch 11 Lesson 12
Year 4: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 6
Year 3/4: Classcraft writing quest 'The Castle of King Rothaman' (not required for ESL students)
Reading 15 minutes daily is part of children's reading grade. Please sign their reading logs daily =)