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Online Outline Week 20.4 - 24.4

*Daily 15 minutes reading in English, send me a picture of your reading log at the end of the week. I will start to take away -HP if homework is not turned in by the end of the week (unless there is an alternative due date posted).*

Monday 20.4 - BAHA'I HOLIDAY

Tuesday 21.4 - Morning Meeting Zoom at 10am

Year 3: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 26

Year 4: Math Play Prodigy to check understanding of last chapter

Year 3/4: Spelling Unit 24- Complete Focus and Extra in workbook

3 or 4 spelling cards due Friday 24.4

Seesaw: Morning meeting - What do you miss about school?

Wednesday 22.4 EARTH DAY

Year 3: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 27

Year 4: Math Ch 13 WB Lesson 1

Year 3/4: Seesaw Activity: Straws No More

Thursday 23.4

Year 3: Math Ch 11 Lesson 28

Science: Plant Parts Textbook pg 1-4 and Workbook pg 3-5

Year 4: Math Play Prodigy

Science Pitch and Loudness Textbook pg 63-67 and Workbook pg 61-64

Year 3/4: ESL Grammar Unit 25 - Conjunctions

Grammar- Unit 23 Adverbs

Earth School- Quest 1: The food we eat

Study for spelling test tomorrow

Friday 24.4

Year 3: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 29

Year 4: Math Ch 13 WB Lesson 2

Year 3/4: Spelling Test Unit 24

English Seesaw: Fiction Booksnap due Monday 27.4


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