Please send me pictures of work as you complete it so that I can mark it and input grades. All work is due by Friday.
Monday 30.3
Year 3: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 13
Year 4: Math Review Ch 11 (test parents please supervise and sign) and mind workout
Year 3/4: History - Why was the Roman Army so successful? Label parts of a Roman Solider
Spelling Unit 21- Complete Focus and Extra in workbook. Write a sentence for each spelling word using PowerPoint presentation (due Friday)
Geography - Leisure time Textbook and Workbook pg 34-35 (activities in textbook are optional)
Virtues - Watch Friendship Animation. Journal or vlog: What makes a good friend?
Tuesday 31.3
Year 3: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 14
Grammar Unit 20
Year 4: Math Ch 12 WB Lesson 1
Grammar Unit 20
Year 3/4: ESL Grammar Unit 22
Wednesday 1.4
Year 3: Math Ch 11 WB Lesson 15
Year 4: Math Ch 12 WB Lesson 2
Year 3/4: Writing Spring Break Snapshot
Thursday 2.4
Year 3: Math Ch 11 Lesson 16
Science Chapter 4 Review - Forces and Motion (ch. test will be next week Thursday)
Year 4: Math Ch 12 WB Lesson 3
Science TB pg 57-60 and WB pg 54-55
Year 3/4: Computing- Think Like a Coder episode 4
Friday 3.4
Year 3: Math Ch 11 Lesson 17
Year 4: Math Ch 12 WB Lesson 4
Year 3/4: Spelling Test Unit 21
Remember to read at least 15 minutes daily. Take a picture of your reading log at the end of the week and I will give you Classcraft points (plus it is part of your English reading grade)