Our Kindergarten programme for three to six year olds provides and English- language education system at its core a rich virtues-based moral education expressed in two ways: developmentally appropriate play-based learning and academically challenging cognitive learning seamlessly entwined aiming to provide the best foundation for your child before he or she enters Primary school.
Play is a way of learning for children.
During a typical kindergarten day there will be structured and unstructured periods, enabling children to learn through at their own rate. These periods are adapted to the different levels within our kindergarten.
Values that support learning through play include:
• Children are viewed as thinkers, reflecting about their world
• Purposeful play is when children learn through the process of their efforts
• Children gain knowledge by building on a path of ever increasing knowledge
• Children are encouraged to make choices and practice individual decision-making
Learning environments support purposeful play by:
• Blocks of various sizes and materials
• Materials and time for dramatic, imaginative play • Manipulative and table toys
• Art materials and tools to explore
• Sensory play materials, including sand and water • A library area
• Music and movement activities
• Cooking experiences
• Computer exploration
• Outdoor and gross motor play
• A quiet area for the child who needs to be alone
*Ample and rich language and print
• Writing tools and materials
Cognitive Based Philosophy
In a program which is cognitive based, young children learn through active exploration in an environment which is rich in materials and opportunities to converse, socialize, work, play and negotiate with others. The classrooms are planned to encourage curiosity, exploration and problem solving in an atmosphere of warmth, affection and respect for each child. Teachers plan experiences based on children’s interests and appropriate educational concepts.
Children may work individually or collaboratively. Children are actively involved in experiences which include foundations of math, science, social studies, creative art, language arts, music, movement and dramatic play. All interrelated aspects of the child’s growth and development are considered — intellectual, social, emotional, physical and creative.
Activities, experiences and teacher-child interactions are constantly being measured and evaluated in terms of the following programs goals:
1. Development of a positive self-concept
2. Respect for the individuality and rights of others
3. Positive ways of interacting with peers and adults
4. Acceptance and expression of both positive and negative feelings
5. Growth of independence and self-sufficiency
6. Growth of creative thinking and problem solving
7. Cognitive growth and development
8. Emergent literacy development
9. Small and large muscle development